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Using Speechly Batch API

In this guide you'll learn how to use Speechly Batch API for transcribing pre-recorded audio files asynchronously.


Using the Speechly Batch API is a three step process:

  1. Request an API token
  2. Send files for transcription
  3. Check the operation result

Requesting an API token

Request an API token by calling the Identity API Login method using your Speechly Project ID.

curl \
--request POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"device_id": "'`uuidgen`'", "project": {"project_id":"YOUR_SPEECHLY_PROJECT_ID"}}' \
--url ''

Example response:

"token": "YOUR-API-TOKEN",
"valid_for_s": 86399,
"expires_at_epoch": "1685175113",
"expires_at": "2023-05-27T08:11:53.158784+00:00"

You can store the token value in a shell variable for quick access later on. This is optional, but it's used in this guide.


Sending files for transcription

Now that you have an API token, queue a URL to the audio file for processing by calling the ProcessAudioSource method.

curl \
--request POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer '$API_TOKEN \
--data '{"source": [{"source_url": ""}]}' \
--url ''

Transcribe multiple files by appending a {"source_url":"URL"} object to the source array.

Example response:

"operation": [
"id": "d3a95fe2-7a72-421a-a669-fcb40c5ecc3f",
"reference": "",
"batch_id": "",
"batch_reference": "",
"status": "STATUS_PENDING",
"language_code": "",
"app_id": "",
"result": [],
"error_code": "ERROR_UNSPECIFIED",
"error_description": "",
"source_url": "",
"destination_url": ""
// If you passed multiple sources, they will appear here

Copy the id value, you'll be needing it shortly.

Checking the operation results

Finally, check the operation results by calling the QueryStatus method using the id from the previous response.

curl \
--request POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer '$API_TOKEN \
--data '{"operation_ids": ["d3a95fe2-7a72-421a-a669-fcb40c5ecc3f"]}' \
--url ''

Check multiple operation results by appending their ids to the operation_ids array.

Example response:

"operation": [
"id": "d3a95fe2-7a72-421a-a669-fcb40c5ecc3f",
"reference": "",
"batch_id": "",
"batch_reference": "",
"status": "STATUS_DONE",
"language_code": "en",
"app_id": "66676952-1a35-4712-97db-30be0aefe971",
"result": [
"text": "Hi, I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist. In addition to probing the secrets...",
"tokens": []
"error_code": "ERROR_UNSPECIFIED",
"error_description": "",
"source_url": "",
"destination_url": ""
// If you passed multiple IDs, they will appear here

The status of the operation is indicated by the status key. See Operation.Status reference for all statuses.

API reference

Speechly Batch API V2